Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Yet Another Sad Statistic in Shit Towne...

Friends of ours became another crime statistic the other day, when four armed bastards (carrying AK47's) invaded their home just after lunchtime.

"T" had just left to fetch the kids and had left her maid, "P", to let some contractors in in her absence.

Here's T's recollection of the attack...names have been removed: "K" and "N" are T's kids, aged about 11 and 4 respectively...

"We had a nasty incident on the 9th May. We had an armed robbery at our house. Four guys armed with AK47s. They came at lunchtime just after I left home to fetch K from school. We were expecting 2 contractors that day so P let them in and they gained access. N was at home with P. I got home 15 minutes later and didn't even suspect that the car parked just outside our front door was ominous. I got out the car and saw a chap coming out of the front door carrying Dave's hi-fi and the next minute there was another guy at my side with a gun asking for my car keys. Poor K was sobbing in the car. I managed to get her out and we were told to get inside. He then bound our hands (except for N, thank God) and I had to show him where the safe was and where my jewellery was. I then joined P, K and N in the TV lounge and a guy stood at the door with a gun pointed at us for about 25 minutes. The main guy then came and told us that he had to lock us up and I was so calm, I jumped up and said that he couldn't lock us up in the house as we have the old fashioned door knobs which lock from the inside. I suggested that he lock us up in P's room as she is the only one who has door locks that lock and unlock with a key.

They locked us up in her room and she has 2 windows where the biggest part of the window is burglar-proofed and the top smaller part is not. I pushed the bed back, put paper on the floor and proceeded to knock the window glass out. Managed to squeeze out of the window and ran to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors to cut off the binds. Got everyone out and then phoned the police.

They took my car but abandoned it outside Soweto. Nothing was touched in the car, K's school bags were still in the car, nothing missing. So I was quite relieved. We are all still a bit shaky and I am taking N for play therapy as he has taken it really quite hard. He is very scared that the "bad men" are coming back.

So we have a lot to be grateful for because I really thought they were going to shoot us all! I shake all the time, hope that it passes."

Steph spoke to T and she talked her through the whole incident. T said it's uncanny how your spirituality kicks in (she said she now relates to Steph's situation) and how one's intuition kicks in together with the fact that you realise you need to stay calm. T's counsellor said that is what saved them. The guys spoke very good English and were well dressed. They believe it was the guys doing renovations that had something to do with it. Poor N freaks out every now and again when he sees a black guy with a beanie in the shops or anywhere. They're sending the kids for counselling too.

One of the sadly good things about this country is that if the situation was any different, in that house robberies and hijackings were an uncommon event, more people would be getting hurt, or killed, during them. The fact that they are commonplace probably saves a lot of lives as people remember previous incidents. It's just really sad that the kids were involved as well...they will take the longest to recover.

In the meantime, the fuckers who committed the robbery are still at large...

People can say what they like about how bad the so-called Xenophobic attacks are that are still ongoing (and no, I don't condone the attacks), but I think these house attacks are being committed by locals who are blaming illegal aliens for them to take the focus off the true perpetrators, who are just too organised for them to be committed by refugees. Also, if the attacks were carried out by refugees, would they not use these same weapons on the locals who are attacking them as a means of self-defence?

'Tis a fucked up country we live in, I tell ya...


A 2 Z said...

To live in constant fear for your life is no way to live especially when children are concerned. Post traumatic stress disorder lasts a long time. Everyone needs to feel safe because it is a basic need right after food and shelter (Maslow's hierarchy/psy 101). I know I am gloomy tonight but I doubt it will ever get better in SA.

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Will not improve for a long time yet. Prayers and best wishes for your friends bro.

Divemaster GranDad said...

Folks...I agree with you both. It is going to get worse in SA before it gets better, hopefully before the civil war starts. It looked like a war was going to break out when the "xenophobic" (read genocidal) cleansing started recently, but it seems to have been delayed for a while.

Wreckless...thanks for your wishes, bro.