Saturday, February 06, 2021

For the Apologists...

In the past couple of years there have been calls for all sorts of people and organisations to apologise for things done or said by other people or organisations, some of them from centuries ago. Most recently, and perhaps most popularly, the whole BLM movement.

Give me a fuckin break...

I'm by no means an angel and, unproudly, did some shitty things in my youth (nothing THAT serious though) that requires an apology to one or two people, but nothing on the scale of what some are asking to be done on an international level.

Fact of the matter is, if people and nations would stop being shitty to one another, there wouldn't be a need for anyone to apologise. Like:

  • If, two hundred-odd years ago, people had used and hired their own local labour instead of slaves, BLM and other such organisations wouldn't exist. Stop slavery. It still exists today.
  • If people didn't lie to each other, nobody would get emotionally hurt.
  • If people didn't hurt people, emotionally or physically, nobody would be depressed or physically maimed or killed.
  • If people didn't cheat on their spouse, families would be happy. Society would be a more moral place.
  • If people bought and sold goods, services and resources at a fair price, rather than try to get them by unfair means or practices, economies would thrive. Poverty would be a minor problem, rather than the major issue it is today.
  • If people didn't steal from anyone, most of our crime would disappear. And many of our prisons would be empty.
  • If people didn't talk about someone behind his/her back, again, nobody would be emotionally hurt.
  • If people didn't think bad thoughts about another person, our own thoughts and consciences would be clear.

Fact of the matter is, one day your words or actions will come back to bite the ass of either you, someone close to you, or your entire nation and somebody is going to want an apology (and compensation) for whatever it was, even if it was two hundred years later than the deed. Don't fuck around now, prevent the backlash later.

To the apologists demanding apologies for events that happened hundreds of years ago, fuck off. It's history. The deeds were wrong, but that is how the world worked back then. We've moved on, hopefully we've learned from that history for the better, but we are no longer in the same state as we were back then.

Basically, stop fucking each other over.

Like we keep telling our two warring cats who cannot walk past each other without one hissing at the other..."Be nice".