Monday, June 27, 2005

Adolf Hitler is alive and well...

and living in Zimbabwe, or at least his son is. Little did Eva Braun know that Addie had a fling with the housekeeper,but the proof is alive and well, living in self-imposed, internationally-financed luxury, in the form of Robert "Bob" Mugabe. And all the while, the Zimbabwean people are suffering increasingly more hardships. Up until now, there have been fuel and food shortages, farm repossessions, and we've all seen the images on our TV's. Then the evidence came out of political harassment, usually just before the so-called democratic elections...people, including the opposition party members, beaten and sometimes killed. The latest to come out of Bob-ville is a video of people being forced to move their meagre possessions, lock, stock and at the point of a barrel, to areas that are reported to be the farms "repossessed" by Bob's murderous lackies in recent years. Some of these farms are 70km away from where the victims are being moved. Here's a link to the story as it appeared on Carte Blanche, on MNet (SA satelite TV station)... The entire episode smacks of the forced movements imposed by the South African government on black South Africans in the 1960's. A priest who is interviewed, is amazed that African leaders are still quiet about what is happening in his country. He also says he thinks it's about time he stood at the wrong end of one of the guns...personally, I don't think he'll last long. As for the African leaders being quiet, I believe that the South African government is doing nothing and will do nothing for time to come, as they owe Bob a debt of gratitude for training, housing and financing the ANC cadres during "the struggle". As long as Madiba (Nelson Mandela) is alive, nothing will be done from this side of the Limpopo River. And, still, the other world leaders are quiet...Why won't George Bush step in? 'Cos there's no bloody oil in Zimbabwe, that's why, and 'cos Bob's escapades keep the world focus off his own...fucking hypocrite...

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