Saturday, September 08, 2007

Ok, these are the last of the far...

Traffic at 23h30...this city pumps at night (cos everyone wants to shop when it's "cool")

Famour Riyadh landmark, the Water Tower

It's romoured that Karl Lagerfeld started out in business in Riyadh...

These guys are known as the "Muttawa". They control all what is supposed to be virtuous, even up to the point of chasing people into Mosques during prayer times! A couple of them recently killed a youngster while they were beating him (needless to say the papers didn't say why they were beating him).


A 2 Z said...

I know somebody that was chased by them with a stick for taking a picture of a woman wearing a burqa.

Divemaster GranDad said...

There have even been instances of western women being shouted at by Arabians for not covering their faces, even though all that is required is for a western women to wear the Abaya gown.

Men are not even allowed to wear shorts in public, even with temperatures around the 50degC insane is that?

Divemaster GranDad said...

BTW....a2z, I tried to look at your blog today and it tells me I "need to be invited"... ?

ren_crow said...

Haha well the infamous muttawas are actually officially known as the "Haya". They're not as active in other parts of saudi arabia as they are in riyadh area though.