Tuesday, September 18, 2007

It's a big blogging welcome to...

The Invisible Wheelchair.

The author is a mate and colleague of mine and Wreckless and he brings a subject to the fore that annoys all caring folk........shaming those inconsiderate fuckers who abuse the parking aras reserved for wheelchair-bound people, typically the arrogant fuckers in the big imported cars and styled hair who think the world owes them something more than a hole in the ground at the end.

Have a look at the site, and if you have evidence (photos, date and time, etc) of such abuses in South Africa, drop him a note and get these assholes what they deserve...to be shamed publicly...


Fishman said...

The invisible Wheelchair, invisible yellow line, invisible Traffic Light, invisible Turning lane, invisible Solid line...Fuck I am getting tired...

Divemaster GranDad said...

You have a point there Fishman, but you forgot about the main cause of all that lot....

The Invisible Police Force...