Wednesday, June 08, 2011

ANCYL and Vibrantmedia - FUCK OFF!!!!!!

Now these bastards somehow got hold of my email address. I wish I could find out how, or who sent it to them, so that I could send utter crap to that person/organisation. Fuck off, the lot of you...!!!

This is what I received in the mail...or at least it's screenshots from the webpage...

My response to the company who sent the email was polite to say the least...


I have NO DESIRE to receive rubbish, unsolicited, emails like this again. DELETE my email address from your database, please!!!

I do not want to hear from vibrantmedia ever again!!!!!!

No signature or anything at the end, just nice and curt...fuckers...


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

I told you that dancer at Teasers was connected! Now u got trouble!

Divemaster GranDad said...

And I haven't even had a response form them to say "sorry, we won't do it again". But then again, that probably just spurred them on to send my email address to a million other spammers...

Divemaster GranDad said...

Aha...welcome to the Daft Scots Lass... :-)