Monday, December 01, 2008

Cape Fish 1 - Kosi Fisher 0

I registered on a local website that specialises as a forum for Cape-based fishermen, and a valuable site it is too...full of great information and a good bunch of guys to chat with. "Kosi Fisher" is my forum-name seeing as it is popular to do it this way rather than having your real name bandied about all over the place.

So, on Saturday I drew a blank.

After stopping off at "Misty Cliffs" to see who belonged to the blue bakkie with the Cape Town Fishing website sticker, I made my way along to a spot called "Blakes" where I was going to throw my first line in anger in Cape waters. I noticed that there were a few guys coming off the beach at the AECI pipe and checked what was happening there, but the wind was pumping through and I guess that was the reason for everyone coming off?

Anyway, I headed back to the bakkie and went past Blakes to see that the water was way out and the wind was whipping around there too, so I made my way to Gordons Bay New Harbour wall. The wind wasn't too bad, even though it was straight in the face and the water looked good for some toothy critters, and I put out a nice medium-sized head...2hrs later, I pulled it in to see that some minnows had been having a go at it.

Even hanging about there for another couple of hours, changing baits between chokkka and sardine, I still drew a blank. Then, at about 4pm, the wind picked up and I couldn't even throw a 6oz more than about 50m so I gave up. Probably just as soon as I got into the bakkie, the rain came down and never stopped...

I stopped off at Kalk Bay Harbour on the way home and the guys were hauling in some nice sized chokka on lures...might try that myself sometime and save a few bucks on bait.

Ah well, there's always next weekend...


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

And just down the road, in a nice, dry, air conditioned store is a place where you can buy all the fish you want - go figure!

WV - heasta
next one is sinfb

Divemaster GranDad said...

It's like...not about the fish,'s about the fishing and the being one with nature, and all...schwah... :-)

Bruthafromanothamutha said...

Broer whatever you are smoking please pass it around

Fishman said...

He does not smoke when he goes fishing, I do! Dropshot for Chokka, well what do you know!

Divemaster GranDad said...

I might not touch the stuff (much) myself, but the other day I found two cute little bushes growing just off the driveway. You guessed it...the real deal, Cape Town weed...

Now I've just got to make sure no-one else sees them, especially the cops, or they might get nicked.

I'm going to try and transplant the little fuckers and take some to Fishman on our next fishing trip, sometime in the new year. By then, they should be of "pluckable" size...

Divemaster GranDad said...

Brutha...just in case you aren't sure, "chokka" is the Cape name for squid, sometimes also known as calamari...

Fishman, there's a special little chokka lure that you get, looks like a dropshot lure, but it's hard plastic, brightly coloured and the 20 or so hooks have no barbs so you can flip the chokka off easily...

Bruthafromanothamutha said...

OK so;

You're after squid

Wreckless is going shopping

Fishman is smoking while playing rugby looking for squid

and all this while you have you're own weed farm growing at home.

In summary I see a whole new career punctuated with nice seafood meals and a relaxing smoke after!

Fishman said...

Hehehe! That is why they call it the Mother city. After a plate of calamari and a joint, everything that you do takes 9 months! Strush!(The keyword, how apt!)

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Word verification:-


Oupa Grysbaard said...

I have never been much of a fisherman although I like fishing. One year I went to Henties for a month's stay, and it took me two weeks to get my bait in the waterI had to cast with a Penn 500 and would get it all on the side with a great crows nest at the reel, but when I eventually got the hang of it I pulled out some nice cob, a real paradise that place. Love reading your blog. Keep it up.