Tuesday, October 16, 2007

George W Bush...

has taken to writing to me on a regular basis, asking advice on numerous things that he thinks are affecting his presidency of the world. In keeping with my desire to communicate with lower species of animal without the use of a microscope, I've decided to respond to his emails and show the world just how cared about him I am...

Recently, George W wrote...

"Dear DmDad...Is it just me, or does the world hate me? Regards. George W (president of the world)"

My caring response...

"Dear George W...it's just you, George. The world hates just you... Warmest Regards. DmDad"

Stay tuned for more of these interesting emails...

1 comment:

Fishman said...

I have been tuned to your blog for the last 24 hours, and no mail from bush!