Monday, August 22, 2005

What if your words could be judged like a crime?

On the way in to the office the other day, I was listening to the song "What if", by Creed and it got me thinking about some of the stuff I read on some of the blog sites. The piece that came to mind was the last line of the song, which forms the title of this posting. We've all seen and read in the past about terrorist and paedophile rings that have come under scrutiny and the arrests from content of websites and the information in emails, by the authorities around the world, and rightly so. But...What if these authorities took it to another level and followed up on everyone that put something on their blog about alcohol or drug (ab)use, wife/husband beating, theft, or other such misdemeanours? Is the content of a blog sufficient to arrest and convict someone? What about privacy or the freedom of speech issues? The lyrics from the song are available from the Creed site at this them...thought-provoking...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If my words were judged as a crime I'd be in serious bother.