I used to call the blog DivemasterDad, but then my daughter went and delivered my first granddaughter on 1st September 2011.
This is a site to relate experiences, ideas, opinions, thoughts and dreams about anything and everything, and hopefully to get some constructive feedback and meet some new people.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Things that make you go "Hmmmmm"...
This year we will experience 4 unusual dates.... 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11, 11/11/11 ...
NOW go figure this out.... take the last 2 digits of the year you were born plus the age you will be this year and it WILL EQUAL TO 111!...
I smaak that T-Shirt STUKKEND!!!!
Want one!
You don't get 'n Poes Klap anywhere else in the world.
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