Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Athens and Cape Town have something in common...

Both are subject to bush fires at the moment.

Coming home from the orifice on Monday evening, we could literally see smoke on the water as the blanket lay over False Bay.

It turns out that the mountain between us and Simons Town was on fire (cause as yet unknown, but presumed to have been caused by "bergies" - tramps - living in the bushes).

The flames came very close to some of the houses built up to the fire break (why do people take that much risk with their homes? bloody idiots) and I'm not sure if any were actually burned. No doubt the local rag will have an article about it in the coming days.

By morning, the flames had been put out but everything was covered in a light layer of ash.

It really is sad to see the way this bush burns and it takes years to recover.


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Rumour has it the fires in Greece were started by developers. Their theory is "Mayor, it will take a hundred years for the forests to regrow. Rather release the ground for development!"
Go figure!
WV - sphoo

Divemaster GranDad said...

Also found out this morning that our fires were started as part of an "organised burn". The report in the local rag stated that residents were "alarmed" to see the ferocity of the think???

Bruthafromanothamutha said...

Happy Birthday for Monday and I hope you had a wonderful weekend fishing