Monday, February 11, 2008

Something I made up the other day...

in thinking of the acronym someone made up a while ago when the eNatis (vehicle licensing system) went tits-up.

As the world is aware, we have power supply problems from ESKOM, our quasi-governmental power supplier, not that we can do much about it as there is no alternative vendor (short of buying a generator, which will (1) make a helluva noise and piss off the neighbours, (2) create additional "carbon footprint" (3) add to our already excessive home overhead costs (4) not provide any form of motivation to Eskom to sort out their shit, plus others that I won't go into now).

So I thought up an acronym for ESKOM, very applicable I thought:



A 2 Z said...

As of today you can say:

E xpect tight
S upply of
K ilowats for
O ver 48
M onths


E rwin
S ays
K ill
O ff
M isconsception that SA was a first
world country!

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Or "elekrisiteitversKAFFER"
There's your problem right there - the last 6 letters.....