Monday, December 04, 2006

Some days need to be renamed...

Take Friday 1st December, for example, "World AIDS Day". I think it should be called "Keep it in Your Pants Day". As much as I sympathise with those that got the disease unwittingly from unscrupulous lovers not declaring their HIV Positive status, or rape victims by the same means, what other sexual reasons could there be to say "I didn't know"? By now, at least one half of a couple about to engage in some form of casual sexual activity should be aware that unprotected sex could cause one or both of them to become infected. So...if in doubt...KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS! Abstension is the only truly safe means to not spread the disease. Ignorance or plain stupidity is not! As for taking a shower straight afterwards, according to the experts it will not prevent you from catching a potential death sentance (as was claimed in court by our "esteemed" ex-Vice President whom, having had sex with a HIV Positive woman, claimed that he had a shower straight afterwards and would therefore not catch the disease). KEEP IT IN YER FUCKIN' PANTS!!! It's the only way to remain Negative...

1 comment:

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Hey what r u doing spreading all this misinformation???? They need to get it out of their pants and shag away as often as possible. That way we can keep the population growth down, and be rid of those morons who don't deserve to be here in the first place. Kind of a genetic control.

